I have been very lucky in being able to share this healing with you.
It was a distant Shadow Healing I did for a client last week.
Shadow Healing 20th September 2010
What is Shadow?
Those aspects of “self” that are not yet in light.
We have all been hurt in our lives, some people more than others, and we have learned to hide parts of personalities so we don’t get hurt again. The Shadow Self can be thought of as the repressed or denied parts of the self. Imagine that we are all born with a “360 degree personality.” When we were young, we expressed every aspect of this personality, without any thought of holding any arts back. But as we grew up, we learned to suppress some of this personality as it was deemed unacceptable by our peers. If you were punished for getting angry, laughed at for crying, or ridiculed for being proud of yourself. We learn to suppress these parts of our self; the ones that got us hurt.
These are the Shadows, the parts of our-selves that are not in the light, they are hidden away while we try to forget about them. They can be positive or negative traits, but they are denied parts of the self that we are trying to ignore, and are afraid to show people.
Key Word - Abuse
What was going on with The Clients body?
The whole left side of the body – left side of the body is ‘receiving’ and feminine energy
Both Eyes – not wanting to see how this issue effects her life
Heart – big hearted, but wounded heart area, love of self
Left hand had a puncture wound – also receiving energy
Reproductive Area affected – not wanting the child that is her destiny
Left Knee – moving forwards in life
Left Foot – grounding
The areas I was told to focus on were your head, heart, stomach and legs. I then drew some Sacred Geometry cards for each of the areas we were working with which showed the issues and also the shadow aspect affecting it. I then focused those geometries into your body, sounded the chants that go with each template, and projected healing.
We had a few helpers in the room Master Jesus, Mother Mary, my Guides, your Guides, and my galactic buddies La-Itsafar and the Andromedean healing team.
Head - Thought patterns
Divine Will
Transmuting Control into Surrender
Heart - Lack of Love of Self
Feminine Principal
Transmuting Addiction into Independence
Stomach - Can’t stomach the emotions that go with the abuse
Mer Ka Ba Light-body Activation
Transmuting Resistance into Participation
Legs - Moving forwards with your life
Thymus Chakra Star Gate
Transmuting Fear into Wellbeing
** Then we begin the healing **
Head Loads of yawning which releases really old, stagnant energy. Toned 3 notes into your crown chakra and blew the breath of life in (this is actually similar to what I do when doing a Reiki attunement – interesting!) Had to heal your head in a prayer position, looked a lot like a yoga position and I was told that yoga would be of benefit to you. A nice and gentle movement of the body, to help shift some energy around. I also 'heard' Kookaburra’s which symbolise JOY!
Heart Your heart was covered in pins, like a voodoo curse, hundreds of them. Started pulling some of them out and though this is going to take forever, so I did this “Care Bear” move and blasted them with a big beam of pink love energy from my heart, and they all transmuted instantly. Saw loads of gold and silver tiny bubbles cover your heart, at first I didn’t know what they were, but then I was told they were bubbles of love and light creating a sort of “bubble wrap” effect over your heart for protection. So sweet! My heart was hurting throughout this process. I looked out the healing room window and focused on a bright green bush with pinky red flowers, and channelled that energy into your heart, as these are the colours of the heart chakra.
Stomach I saw these metal clamps on your lower abdomen area, they looked like big bulldog clips and were folding over two layers of skin and clamping them together. I kept hearing the words ‘stomach stapling’ this was stopping energy flowing and this area working properly. I was burping a bit and yawning around your stomach when I chanted the shadow template; which is once again releasing stagnant energy. I removed the big clamps, to see that you had a secondary restraint, just in case I got through the first barrier. You had a large stitching going across the stomach in a zig-zag motion, once again folding over your stomach area, folding it in on itself. I had to unstitch it bit by bit until all the thread was out, but you then had scar tissue and mutation to the skin that needed repairing. I asked Mother Mary to help out, and she directed a beautiful stream of rose pink energy at the affected area. I watched on as your skin slowly became smooth again. And you were left with this beautiful porcelain white, flat stomach, without a hint of damage or scarring. I couldn’t resist kissing your tummy and I heard the words “all ready now.” Just when I was about to move on to the next area I saw this giant eye on your tummy, and I heard the words “watch this space”. As I moved on to your legs I had all this amazing tingling energy pour down all over my head, this is Angelic energy, how beautiful.
Legs When I looked at your legs you had these big braces on them, callipers? Just like Forrest Gump. They reached all the way up to your thighs, all metal and leather, and they were literally stopping you from moving forwards with your life. When I chanted the templates I had a huge shudder (releasing) and the chants affected my head a lot as well, like something was opening up for you spiritually. After the chants these giant zippers appeared down the sides of the callipers, so I unzipped them all the way from the top to the bottom. When the callipers were removed I could see that your flesh just stopped where the callipers had begun, and from your thighs down was just bone. You didn’t even have feet, just a rounded off shin bone. I asked Master Jesus to help with fusing your legs back on and he worked on the cells, the blood, the bone, the veins, the skin and flesh etc to make you new legs. When your legs were complete I noticed they were mans legs (connected to this past life we were working on) and then they changed into having birds feet instead of human feet. This confused me at first, but I was told you are from the Bird People Tribe. I thought this may be of some Red Indian connection at the time, but I just realised while typing this up that back in Atlantis all kinds of experiments were done on humans and animals to make a new race of humans. So I just googled Bird People Tribe and this is what I found http://www.bluestarspeaks.com/bird.html
It might take your head a bit to get used to but I hope you are open to this concept as I know it to be true. Through my own experiences I now work with a race of star beings from the planet Andromeda, yep, not something I tell people at the dinner table haha.
You also had these pretty golden rings around the tops of each thigh which had to come off, then there were another two, one around each ankle, and then another on your left foot. Had to give you another Care Bear blast and these came off very easily. When the golden rings were removed (some kind of control device) your new legs began to glow an amazing golden yellow and I heard the words “to walk in the path of God” I didn’t know what this meant, but then I was told you are to be a healer.
When I stepped back to check out your body it was radiating electric blue and gold light out in all directions. I closed the energy into all of your chakras and asked you to breath in through your crown chakra, through your body and out through your feet to help ground the energy.
And the healing was complete.
With Love & Many Blessings
Clients Response
"After feeling very emotional, overwhelmed and out of sorts for weeks, I received a distant Shadow Healing from Kushla... and it was incredible. I've never experienced anything like it! I felt rested and was in an almost meditative state during the healing. The clearings/healing Kushla did on my body were well overdue and she also helped release stagnant energy, leaving me feelng calm, refreshed and glowingly positive. Even my husband noticed and felt and shared my happy energy all afternoon :)
After my healing, Kushla phoned to discuss it with me and share the experience. I also received a thorough write up of the healing - from the processes Kushla used, to the images and messages she received, as well as suggestions for continued benefits.
I highly recommend a healing with the beautiful and talented Kushla for anyone and everyone - I can't thank her enough for this most amazing and awesome experience!"