Sep 30, 2010

Light Transmission

La Itsafar

27th September 2010

Dear Beloved One,

And so the time is here where our work together will deepen and grow and blossom into something quite amazing. We are very proud of your ongoing efforts with The Love Bubble and all the hard work you have done to make it the loving success that it is.

We grow tired of others on a similar mission that go down the path of ego and get lost from their original plans. We have watched as you have been battered like a ships sail in the rough seas. You have been tested over and over again and you have got right back up and carried forward on your mission; and for this you will be greatly rewarded.

You recently had a reading done and we watched with humorous interest as you asked certain questions that triggered fear in the answers. Know that if you wish to know anything about your path and your greatness, you are to ask only us. The information will not be accessible by others, as it is for you and you only.

We will communicate with you more regularly now, until it becomes daily. We have much to teach you and there are many things for us to share with the world. Do not worry yourself with what to do with the information. Simply post it and we will do the rest. Do not forget also that they are our words, and these transmissions are encoded with a special light frequency from our planet that will affect everyone who reads them; some more than others.

You are doing really well and we want you to know your efforts have not been overlooked. With every challenge that was set, you passed through with ease and grace and most importantly love in your heart. This is the key – Love & Integrity!

We have now bestowed more of your gifts on you, given you access to greater levels of your Akashic Records, as we know you will now use these gifts for the greater good of humanity. We will ease you into these new changes gently, and for now, don’t worry yourself as to what they are. You will be delighted (both of you) when you discover the magick with which they work.

Now for your new healing techniques; how great that you are revelling in your new found powers. They were always there, they simply needed unlocking. The ability to see into and around the human body by distance is a nifty little trick we like to use also. How else would we keep tabs on you?

For now we wish for you to take things easy. Be good to your body. Be good to each-other. Get out in the sun and move your body to the rhythm of life.

With love in our hearts, and stars in our eyes.

La Itsafar and The Galactic Race of Andromeda

Channelled by Kushla Skinner-Storey
27th September 2010

Sep 26, 2010

Latest News from The Love Bubble

Latest News from The Love Bubble

Well I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who checked out our new website and for all the amazing feedback you gave about it.

I thought I would take a moment to mention a bit about some new things happening with the website and the business.

  • There are over 44 new items coming to some amazing new designs that I’m sure your all going to love.

  • I will now be focussing on a mens range of jewellery, stock has been ordered and I’m very excited to hear the feedback from our many male Love Bubble fans

  • After many requests I will now be offering wholesale prices on the jewellery items

  • There are over 60 crystals to be added to the site, with even more to come in the next few weeks

  • I will now begin my lifelong dream of creating an Oracle Deck – watch this space!

  • I have added distant Reiki attunements and distant Reiki courses to the services I provide

  • I am also available for childrens healings and attunements (these can be done in person or via a distant healing / attunement

There is still a LOT more in the pipeline, but for now, this will keep me very busy indeed.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I look forward to connection with you all again soon.

Much Loves


The day before I launched The Love Bubble website I decided to pull one of my cards, and this is what I got

24th September 2010


“Hurricanes and floods were followed by tidal waves that swept over the land uprooting everything in its path. The earth opened and swallowed whole mountains and villages. The force of nature was so great, that surely the world would be destroyed by the four winds. Yet even the last fragment of the world as we knew it, was taken away so we recognised nothing. Even in the final darkness before the sun returned, even in the final darkness before the sun returned, even as the last rain drop fell, a boab seed sprouted.

“Destruction” is the nineteenth step of the alchemical journey and the first step of the third phase. If you look at the bigger picture of alchemy you will see that cards 1-9 worked through the lessons of opening up to physical vibrations and cards 10-18 worked through an inner journey of the soul. We know now that the two work side by side and are united in a way that allows them to retain their separateness. As it is on the physical plane, so it is on the spiritual one. The physical relationships we have are mirrored in the spiritual ones as well as the spiritual ones in the physical.

“Destruction” is a card that shows the completion of all things. This is a final death of all that is past and a promise of all that is to come. From here on, the physical and spiritual realms become as one and we live and work through the influences of both. Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon have melded in this picture and come to earth. They are in the heavens and deep within the earth and the waters of life flow through them. In the destruction of all things, so we can see the regrowth of the trees. The new growth carries all the memories of what has past and nothing is lost.

No matter how hard we try we can not destroy the physical world any more than we can destroy the spiritual one. In all destruction there must be rebirth and in all rebirth remains the memory of what has gone before. Not a single thought or action is forgotten. It is all out there in the universal energy and we are called on to remember this when we step into a new phase and start a new journey. Though we are called on to leave all the past behind us it remains a part of a much larger picture than we can see and stays in the Karmic place of the universe.

There is excitement surrounding our next steps – this is the final leg of this journey.

The number 19 (10=1) brings a vibration of new beginnings and strength. It contains the energy of the universe and represents all numbers. 19 brings the gift of healing and universal love. It carries with it memories of all the lessons you have learnt to date so you may draw strength from them."

These cards are amazing and I have had them for many years now. If you are interested in purchasing some they will be available shortly at

Sep 20, 2010

Reiki 1 Weeekend at The Love Bubble

18th & 19th September 2010
Here's a photo of our beautiful group of Reiki 1's, my son Keizan, and a friendly orb.

Here are some of the lovely comments from my students

"A fantastic, uplifting weekend and a pleasure to have met a wonderful group of women.
Thank you  very much Kushla"

"Great interaction, useful tools, and great environment. Looking forward to using what I have learnt"

"Thank you Kushla, so much!
Wow, I could listen to you forever.
Very well organised and lots of info in book. Made me very confident to do this.
Cant wait to get out there and share"

"Very touched to be given this wonderful gift.
Very entertaining. Born natural teacher. Conducted very well.
Loved the Egyptian oils, course information we and easily understood.
Love the pink, you wear it well.

"Very informative, friendly, relaxed.
Had a great weekend. Thanks heaps Kushla.
Had a fantastic weekend and really looking forward to start some Reiki healing.
See you on the Reiki 2 weekend"

"Thank you Kushla for the wonderful weekend. You are a great teacher,
a true blessing"

"Had a very enjoyable weekend.
Kushla is down to earth and seh explained many things.
Would recommend to anyone"

Sep 16, 2010

Upcoming Events

18th & 19th Reiki 1 - Fully Booked

2nd Jewellery Addicts Annonimus
16th & 17th Reiki 1 - Fully Booked
23rd Reiki Share Afternoon

6th & 7th Reiki 2 - Fully Booked
27th & 28th Reiki 2 - Places Available

February 2011
25th Reiki Masters - Places Available


Sep 15, 2010

Love Bubble Lovelies

" I received my beautiful "Oracle Of Shadows & Light" cards from The Love Bubble several months ago and i've not stopped using them since. :o) They are quirky, original and accurate, i love them! The presentation in which they arrived was really special, and what touched me the most was the surprise of receiving the gift of a beautiful, sparkling butterfly ring. Stunning work."

Stacey Kitson, London

Reiki 1 Attunement Testimonial

I did my first ever Reiki 1 attunement today and it blew both our minds!
I was roasting hot, litterally sweat on my forehead, and such an intensely high energy in the room.
I used my sacred geometry templates and Ishtana (my large Lumerian crystal) and also the Flower of Life template. We had all the elemental kingdom, the devas, the earth elements, Dr Usui and my andromedean crew to name a few, and it felt like the room was packed.
I thoroughly enjoyed the process and so did the person I attuned. I cant wait for this weekend when I teach my first Reiki 1 class woo hoo!

Here's what Peter had to say about his attunement

15 September 2010

I have just experienced a Reiki Level 1 attunement from Kushla Skinner Storey, and I have to say WOW! As I sat in the chair while Kushla did the preparation for the attunement, I felt a great sense of peace come over me as we were joined by the many Spirit Helpers and Star Beings.

When Kushla invited Dr Usui into the room, I REALLY felt his presence, so much so I was brought to tears.

As the attunement began I felt as though she had popped a champagne cork to my soul, as I felt a euphoric explosion of tingles, first heading skywards, then returning back down and filtering through me very gently and soothing all the cells in my I said......... WOW!

I have been attuned to Reiki 1 twice before, and I was pleasantly surprised how different the experience was for me.

Thank you for this most sacred experience, another milestone for us, yay!

To Write Love on Her Arms

To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.

Hervey Bay will be hosting an awareness day
September 25th
10.30am - 2.30pm
Gatakers Bay (play area)

What do I have to do?
Quite simply; write the word LOVE on your arm. That is all we ask of you.
You can either have it pre-written or pay a gold coin donation to have an artist pop it on your blank canvus.

Two local Photographers have banned together to organise this day Nicky Jackson from Nicky Jackson Photography and Tegan Fowler from Fowler Photography. These two gals will be running around taking photos on the day, and would like to also organise an mass community group photo with everyones arms in the air showing their LOVE.

There are also talks with another amazing lady (name withheld) inregards to making a book sharing stories and photographs from local women who have overcome obstacles, who have overcome illness, tragedy etc showing their strength and the light at the end of their darkness. The book aims to be very inspiring ..... and possibly healing for women. (more info to come soon)

Lots of local Businesses will be donating their time and items for an auction. All money raised at the auction will go to charity. Its about spreading a cause world wide.. helping people understand that these things happen to everyday people like ourseleves.. this is our way of giving back to those that have helped us through so much xx

Check out their Facebook page!/pages/To-Write-Love-On-Her-Arms-Hervey-Bay/155021001193645

Check out their website

Sep 11, 2010

DVD Review - The Moses Code

The Moses Code $35


Thirty-five hundred years ago, God gave Moses a gift that changed the future of humanity. Some of the most incredible miracles in history came from applying a simple code, activating the power of the creative force of God in the world. This ancient technology has largely been lost or ignored since then, only to be revealed once again through this movie (as well as James Twymans book of the same name). This code, if finally applied by humanity, has the power to transform the planet, as well as add the richest blessings to all of us. Some of the best-known spiritual teachers in the world join James in this film, and offer tools that show us how we can apply the Moses Code to our lives. This is the foundation upon which the Law of Attraction is built. The film focuses on the power of Soul Manifestation, drawing upon our own innate spiritual ability to produce miracles everywhere we go. Many other films and books have focused on using the Law of Attraction to get the things we believe we need for example, houses, cars, or other goods. The Moses Code takes the next much more important step showing how to use this law to give from the soul, automatically attracting spiritual blessings to us!
What We Thought
Peter and I just watched this DVD and I must say it takes a little while to get going. We were thinking oh typical American blah blah, this is just like What The Bleep, The Shadow Effect and The Davinci Code Decoded, but as the dvd played on, it got better and better. One of my favourite bits included the deconstruction of Moses in the bible and how it relates to the real world today.
There were a few times when we stopped the dvd to discuss something that was talked about as we found it very interesting and thought provoking. The I AM is a very interesting topic that is talked about throughout this dvd. "I Am That, I Am"
Overall The Moses Code was very interesting and worth a look. It built up and up and ended with me and Pete in tears, haha brilliant!
This dvd is available for purchase on the website

Sep 10, 2010

Kushla's Clairvoyant Reading Testimonials

Madam K (as i affectionately call her) has been truly inspirational and a very big part of my recent growth as a person. I’ve struggled with relationships all my life and Kushla, although careful with what she told me, was always insightful and at times, quite freaky with the advise she gave. There was in fact a point, where I think she knew me better than I did myself and although I have known Kushla for quite a few years, we haven’t up until recently been that close, so the things she said and knew, were beyond any friendship we had.

Her predictions have been a little too close for comfort at times, due to bad choices that I’ve made, she would know when to call me, out of the blue. At times I’ve gone to email or call her for advice, and my phone would ring, it would be Kushla! She is that tuned in that I actually avoided her at times when I knew I was making a bad choices.

I hope I too have been influential in Kushla making the decision to share her insight with others, as I know she was often reluctant to share her thoughts for fear of perhaps not being as accurate as one would hope; but as her confidence grew, so did my demands on her. Every single time I’ve asked for advice, or been given some insightful direction by Kushla, the only word I can use to describe her accuracy is “freaky”.

As bazaar as it sounds, she even knew where my sons lost phone was!

If you are lucky enough to get a reading or any other help from Kushla, you too can be as blessed as I have been.

Narelle Gaunt   Perth, West Australia

Kushlas insight and skill within the spiritual realm is a beautiful thing to have shared the presence of. She has guided and taught me how to harness and build my gifts and interpret my dreams. Her readings are in depth and always accurate and her healings are absolutely beautiful. I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from this beautiful and very special woman.

Angela Hoover    Perth, West Australia

I recently got a reading done by Kushla

A lot of the things she found were so true. she touched on some really personal experiences that I have had, which was amazing as I have never meet or spoken to Kushla before and unless you knew me there is no way you would have known that information. Her reading gave me so much insight and positive feelings for the journey that lay ahead of me.

Thank you so much Kushla

R Bos Perth WA

Thank you so very much for you reading. It brought tears to my eyes to how true you were about my life and how I am living at the moment. It made me realise and believe in myself more and to be honest with myself. Its funny I have known you for so long but we have never discussed my private life or my feelings and in one reading you pinned everything thing down in my life.

What you wrote about my relationship was 100%. I made a life changing decision due to your reading and I have never felt more alive and better and happy with myself. I feel like the Super Stace I once was has come back, and this all happened over the weekend. You wrote about me spending time in the country as this is where I am at peace, and I spent 5 days in the country and I have come out a better, stronger person. Ive come out of it as ME!

I am a person who needs to be out with nature, I was calm and you were right, I need my country air, space, nature all around me. I need my family, animals and open spaces. I most definatly need to be around my horse again.

I shared a part of the reading with my mum and she could not believe how accurate you were, she was so amazed and she does not believe in things like this. (I think she will be emailing you soon, teehee).

You wrote about me meeting a guy who has traits just like my father, and you said the number 5 kept comming up, I think I met this person on the weekend, when I was not even looking. My father is a wonderful brilliant man and everything this person did was just like my dad that I even told him, and the number 5 was around me in everything from age to dates of birth, to street addresses ( to being my favourite number). You wrote about me travelling and in 2 days I was discussing me travelling with this person alone or with him.

For once in my life I feel like the Strong person I used to be back in the country, and I know in my heart that I belong there, and I will go back.

Thank you Kush for reminding me of who I am, for reminding me that I do deserve to be happy... writing this is bringing tears to my eyes, I wish I could give you a hug right now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart my girl.

Love Super Stace xxxx

Stacey O'Connor, Perth, West Australia

I had a reading done by Kushla and considering she wasnt even looking at me or a photo it was amazing what she could pick up. She picked up a name to do with my son, this is actually my fathers name, my son does share a few looks of my father so this was nice to have that come through. With my daughter Kushla picked her personality traits and her openness to the spiritual world which i found very interesting, especially saying she loves to play with her imaginary friends as we have quite a few friends, one with the same name as my husbands deceased brother.

I would recommend Kushla to do a reading for you as she is quite amazing.

Thanks once again
Stacey B    West Australia

I had the pleasure of recently having a clairvoyant reading done by the wonderful Kushla.....and, let me just say, Wow!!!   I'm honestly not sure where to start telling you how amazing it was...!
Not only does her love and intuition clearly show through the work that she does (I'm not sure I've met anyone more suited to their calling than the talented Kush!), but the insights she offered me and information she provided truly blew me away. While we have known each other for quite a few years, it is just not possible for Kush to have known previously alot of the information she was able to give me in my reading.

The advice that she has given me, just through this reading, along with the clarity and love and support she offers, has shown me that not only does Kushla have a beautiful heart and soul, but also that she is truly gifted.

Having had a few different readings over the years, there is no-one else that I would (and have!) gladly and enthusiastically recommend than Kush. And I'm very proud to call her my friend, too!

Jodie Simpson, West Australia

A Win At The Cassino - May 2010

"Hey I just wanted to let everyone know my mum and I went to the casino today for her birthday, prior to going I asked Kushla for a little advice, as I hadn't been for 13yrs! I gave mum a pendant Kushla had sent me, for luck and love, and we both surrounded ourself with a protection bubble following Kush's instructions!!...
We weren't doing to well, and decided to leave the casino, but mum thought she'd give it one more try, held onto the pendant and pressed a few buttons and proceeded to win nearly $50.........
on our way to cash it in, my aunty's stopped at a row of machines pointing out they're "lucky Number" machines, I said to mum find number 8, Kush said 2 or 8, she sat down at number 8, first button she presses she hit the jackpot and won another $160
so I'd like to thankyou Kush for your wonderful guidance and your help making my mummy's birthday a fun and memerable day! xxxx ♥ "

Erin Fynn, West Australia

The Love Bubble Lovelies

"My beautiful Sterling silver & Quarts Ring from my lovely friend Kushla"

Thanks Marta for sending in a photo of your beautiful bling ring

Sep 9, 2010


Thank you Stacey Kitson for this beautiful image

This months Love Bubble competition is easy. Simply click the "follow" button at the bottom right of this blog, and add your details. This will not only keep you up to date with The Love Bubble Blog posts, but a name will be selected at random to receieve a FREE Numerology Report valued at $150!!!

Love Bubble Lovelies

The lovely Anne Frodl
Thank you for sending in this beautiful photo Anne
She is wearing her Rainbow Mystic Topaz Pendant & Earrings set

"My husband wants me to tell you that he finds it distracting
talking to me when I am wearing the jewellery, as it is so sparkly!"

A Beautiful Suprise

I received this in the mail today, and have no idea who sent it

May the wings
Of the butterfly kiss the sun
And find your shoulder to light upon,
To bring you luck, love and happiness
Today, tomorrow and beyond.

Happy 2nd Birthday Keizan!!!

Peter, Keizan and Kushla
Keizan Turned 2 and had a cool Rocket Ship Cake

Love Bubble Lovelies

Thank you Teake for sending in this gorgeous photo of you with your new Love Bubble pendant.
Teake is wearing her Purple Labradorite & Amethyst Pendant

Sep 7, 2010

Light Transmission

Firstly Dear One, we want to thank you for your ongoing efforts. Time has stood still while you have sorted out the bits and pieces that needed to be fine-tuned, in order for you to continue on with your work. Do not think for a minute that you have missed out and that you are racing against the clock, for this is only your human brains way of trying to control what it is you are trying to do. We are glad you are here now making contact with us, we have been waiting patiently for some calm in your life so that we could come through for you.

It won’t be long now until your work is published on your website and all your hard work will start to pay off. You will inspire others to take a leap of faith and go forth with their calling, and yes there will be many who are bitter towards you due to their own failings. Do not let either reaction distract you from your mission. You are a torchbearer and you have much work to do indeed.

We are glad for your excitement with the new healing techniques we have shown you, and as you have learnt they are not to be shared just yet, as people will be attracted to their light and want those methods for themselves. Do not fear for we control the light with which they are connected to and we will choose who is ready to work with it. And yes in answers to your question, you will indeed be teaching these techniques one day, these frequencies of light.

We know you have been through a bit of a tough time lately both physically, mentally and emotionally, but as you have witnessed the other day, your gifts are being heightened and fine-tuned, and your lack of belief in yourself will lessen and lessen. You are a bright shimmering star on the Earths surface, and many will be attracted to your ever-shining luminous glow.

We have a challenge for you dear one, we ask you to take these words and ‘run with it’. Publish them and share them with all whom come to read them. All will be revealed as to why we ask this of you. For now, enjoy the ride, enjoy the journey and keep shining your light.

We watch over you with much love in our hearts,
With love always

Channelled by Kushla Skinner Storey 18/8/2010

Favourite Books

This is a book and CD by Louise Hay and it is brilliant. Both my husband and I have listened to it everyday since it arrived in the mail. Great thought provoking words and simple and effective affirmations.

"In this delightful book, Louise L. Hay discusses the power and importance of affirmations and shows you how to apply them right now! Louise explains that when you state an affirmation, you’re really saying to your subconscious mind: “I am taking responsibility. I am aware that there is something I can do to change.”
Within these pages, Louise discusses specific topics and concerns (health, fearful emotions, addictions, prosperity issues, love and intimacy, and more) and presents exercises that show you how to make beneficial changes to virtually every area of your life.

A FREE affirmation CD is enclosed in each book!

On the enclosed CD, Louise offers you helpful information about affirmations that you can also use to your benefit. She recommends that you listen to the CD at any time of the day or night—whenever you’d like positive thoughts and ideas to permeate your consciousness and fill you with hope and joy."

This product is available for purchase

Favourite Books

This has to be one of my all time favourite books!!!

"We all have a soulmate, someone who is special to us. In this book psychiatrist and past-life therapist Dr Brian Weiss describes the extraordinary case of two of his patients, Pedro and Elizabeth, whose shared lives and lifetimes unfolded quite separately in his office. Could they have loved - and lost - each other across time? Dr Weiss explains that you may be awakened to the presence of your soul companion by a look, a dream, a memory or a feeling. Finding and reuniting with your soulmate will bring you to profound bliss and happiness, safe in the knowledge that you are together always, to the end of time."

Available at

Would You Like To Host Your Own Jewellery Party

$100 Sold = 10% Discount for the Host
$200 Sold = 20% Discount for the Host
$300 Sold = 30% Discount for the Host
$400 Sold = 40% Discount for the Host
$500 Sold = 50% Discount for the Host

Light Transmission

Firstly Dear One, we would like to thank you for your patience in waiting for our next transmission of light, as we know it wasn’t easy for you. The pain you are currently feeling in your body will ease and you will be surprised and enlightened by what you find happens to your body.

The next matter of importance is of your safety in working with us. We ask that in your workings with us you trust that you are fully supported, protected and safe to do the work we ask of you. Do not go into fear, for that is someone elses journey. Yours is filled with light, love and language of the stars.

We would like you to call these messages “Light Transmissions” for that is the best way to describe what it is that we are doing and working with.

The time has come dear one to reveal what it is we wish you to do. We wish for you to go forth and publish these communications. Do not be scared, as they are filled with love and light and those who are ready, will be open to their messages.

We will encode the messages with a special galactic frequency that will be felt when reading it, a bit like you are feeling now. The tingling sensation on your crown is us working on your galactic transmitter to hone it to be more open, more aware, and more able to hear our messages, loud and clear.

As we have mentioned before, we will be moving on from Earth and its atmosphere. But we have a final task to do and that involves you. We ask that you be patient while your body adjusts to these new higher frequencies, the headaches will go and so too the extra fat cells that help integrate this energy.

We have begun working with you consciously and subconsciously for a great many years and it is enjoyable for us that you have woken up, and now work with us in your waking state. We are also pleased you are working with our new healing techniques, these are yours to share with whomever you wish, however they will not work with US as you do.

All is well dear one. We wait eagerly for our next contact.

With all our love of the one Galactic Heart,


Channelled by Kushla Skinner Storey 8/7/2010

Whats On This Month


4th - The Health & Harmony Festival, Maryborough

18th & 19th - Reiki 1 Workshop (Fully booked)

25th - The official launch of

Light Transmission

Good morning Dear Ones

We are the galactic beings of Andromeda. We come here to communicate with you today in the hopes of bringing through the important messages we have for you.

Our time is short, as we will not be with you much longer. We have been the Guardians of Earth for many centuries, and we will soon be parting ways with you, as our mission here is nearly complete. Another race of beings will come and begin their work, aligning to the crystalline core of the Earth, as she moves and shifts, transforming not only energetically but also the Earths surface.

We came here long ago to make sure that the Earth was not destroyed again. You may have heard of military missions failing and going haywire, this was our work. We stopped bombs and missiles from being launched as the Earth was not allowed to be destroyed again. We all have much to do to play our part in her survival, in her growth, and in her transurgence.

We are greatly honoured that you have chosen to work with us and for us. There are so few humans REALLY willing to help, without monetary gain. We wish to communicate to you the messages for the Earth people, the ones who are ready, the ones who will listen. The numbers will grow in time, but for now our numbers are small and effective. It is our life mission as it is yours, to help teach the human race about love, kindness and kinship.

Many have lost their way, and so this is the path they have chosen. Do not be discouraged if at first your believers are few, you will be surprised the impact you can have on so many.

We will teach you a great many things, our healing techniques to help both the land and its inhabitants. We will teach you ancient knowledge from the beginnings of time, and a great many secrets that have long since been forgotten.

We have been with you and watched over you since birth. You have come to play on our ships and shared your many wonderful stories of Earth. We have greatly enjoyed and valued all that you have done and all that you have shared. And for this we thank you.

We shall leave you now for this time, as we do not wish to overwhelm or scare you. We only wish to share our love and knowledge with you.

We are in awe of all you do and achieve, and this will be a most exciting adventure indeed.

We wish you well in your journey of light.

La-Itsafar and the Galactic Race of Andromeda.

Channelled by Kushla Skinner Storey 29/6/2010

The Health & Harmony Festival

The Love Bubble's first outing

Well I had a great time at The Health & Harmony Festival in Maryborough on the weekend. I met so many lovely people and had such great feedback about the jewellery. Lots of oooh's and aaaah's which was most appriciated, especially as it took me 4 hours to set up!
Thank you Christine for this photo of me with my stall, and im very chuffed to hear it will be in the Fraser Coast newspaper aswell.

The Health & Harmony Festival

If you are free on September 4th we would love you to come and see us at The Health & Harmony Festival in Maryborough. It will be the official unveiling of The Love Bubble products, and there are many wonderful stalls on the day with a range of services and products.

A Message For The Love Bubble

Firstly Dear One, we would like you to know that you are loved and supported in all that you do. We walk beside you in every moment and hold you in our Angel wings. We would like for you to take this time to sit quietly, for self reflection, for contemplation. For what is about to be birthed in you is a seed for all of creation. A seed that will grow, and nurture both yourself and others, a seed of life. For yes, you are pregnant at this time, ready to give birth to a whole new way of life, a new way of being.

Gone are the times of old, of lack of self belief, miss-trust and unhappiness. A new time is dawning...... of life, love and great joy. You will be simply walking your path, and yet to others you will be lighting the way forwards. There has been a great many of us before you who have given of ourselves freely for the greater good of humanity, and we watch with great songs in our hearts as you dance your dance and spread the joy that is and will be The Love Bubble.

We gave this name to you to represent the love you hold in your heart for those around you, even those you have yet to meet. This Love Bubble is you, and your space that you invite others into for love and healing. This is a place that will do many wonderful things for people in any need, anywhere in the world. We thank you for listening to our guidance, for being brave, and for stepping out, alone, in order to carry out this work we have asked you to do. We are very excited to watch you blossom and bloom and shine light into the shadows of peoples lives.

We are with you now and always.

Blessings, The Elohim

Channelled by Kushla Skinner Storey 20th March 2010